Adaptability Factor Under the Federal Skilled Worker Program

The Adaptability factor is one of the six factors for which points are awarded under the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP).

Up to 10 points can be awarded under the Adaptability factor, based on an applicant’s ability to establish themselves in Canada. These 10 points can be awarded for full-time work in Canada, spouse or common-law partner's merits, or a combination of six other possible adaptability factors. 

Points are awarded under Adaptability based on qualifications that are expected to improve an applicant's ability to become economically established in Canada as follows:

Points (10 max)
Principal applicant's previous work in Canada (minimum one (1) year of full-time work in Canada in an occupation classified as Skill Type 0, A, or B of the National Occupational Classification - NOC)
10 points

Principal applicant's past studies in Canada (minimum two (2) academic years of full-time* study in an at least two year long study program at a secondary or post-secondary educational institution in Canada). 

5 points
Accompanying spouse/common-law partner's past studies in Canada (minimum two (2) academic years of full-time* study in an at least two year long study program at a secondary or post-secondary educational institution in Canada).
5 points
Accompanying spouse/common-law partner's past work in Canada (minimum one (1) year of full-time work in Canada while on a valid work permit or with authorization to work)
5 points
5 points
Principal applicant or spouse/common-law partner have a relative** in Canada. The relative must be living in Canada, 18 years or older and a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. 
5 points
Accompanying spouse/common-law partner's language ability (English and French language proficiency at CLB 4 level or above in all four language abilities). CLB Level 4 is equivalent to IELTS 4.0 in Writing, 4.5 in Listening, 3.5 in Reading and 4.0 in Speaking).
5 points

*Full-time study is equivalent to at least 15 hours of class a week. It is important to maintain good academic standing during that time. 

** Relative must be a parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, a spouse's sibling/aunt or uncle, niece or nephew. 

Learn more about the FSWP's selection factors

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Cohen Immigration Law is a leading Canadian immigration law firm with over 45 years of experience. Cohen Immigration Law features over 60 immigration lawyers, paralegals, and professionals who are dedicated to helping you immigrate to Canada. was founded as the online presence of Cohen Immigration Law. Since its launch in 1994, CanadaVisa has grown into one of the globe's most trusted resources on Canadian immigration. If you want to immigrate to Canada through the PNP or another skilled worker pathway, the first step is to complete a free CanadaVisa assessment form. If you are eligible for Canadian immigration, a member of the Cohen Immigration Law team will reach out to provide you with as much assistance as possible.

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