Arranged Employment: Federal Skilled Worker Program

Arranged Employment enhances your chances of being eligible for Canadian immigration under the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP).

An overall 10 points may be awarded towards a Federal Skilled Worker candidate's score under the "Arranged Employment" factor if a Canadian employer extends him or her an offer of full-time permanent employment in Canada

A maximum of 10 points may be awarded if the applicant meets one of the following conditions. 

If the applicant is currently working in Canada on a work permit, and
  • The work permit is valid both when applying and when the permanent resident visa is issued (or the applicant is allowed to work in Canada without a work permit when his or her visa is issued).
  • The work permit is based on a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from Employment and Social Development Canada in an occupation listed under skill type 0 or skill level A or B of the National Occupational Classification (NOC).
  • The applicant is working for an employer named on his or her work permit.
  • That employer has made a valid job offer based on the applicant being accepted as a skilled worker.

If the applicant is currently working in Canada in a job that is LMIA-exempt because of the following:

  • an international agreement (such as, the North American Free Trade Agreement) or
  • significant benefit to Canadian interests or
  • a federal-provincial agreement


  • The work permit is valid both when applying and when the permanent resident visa is issued (or the applicant is allowed to work in Canada without a permit when the permanent resident visa is issued).
  • The applicant's current employer has made a valid job offer based on the applicant being accepted as a skilled worker.
  • The applicant is currently working for the employer specified on his or her work permit.
  • The applicant has been working for that employer for at least 1 year, continuous full-time or part-time equivalent.
If the applicant does not hold a valid work permit and is not authorized to work in Canada.and
  • A prospective employer has made a valid permanent, full-time skilled job offer to the applicant; and
  • The offer of employment has received a positive LMIA
If the applicant holds a valid work permit or is otherwise authorized to work in Canada without a work permitand
  • The applicant is currently working in Canada in a job that is LMIA-exempt, but is not under an international, federal-provincial agreement or because of significant benefit to Canadian interests; and
  • A prospective employer other than the one the applicant is currently working for has a positive LMIA and has made a a valid job offer to the applicant based on that LMIA and on the applicant being accepted as a skilled worker.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Individuals in Canada whose applications are accepted for review under the Federal Skilled Worker Program, and whose temporary work permit is due to expire, may be eligible for a Bridging Open Work Permit. This work permit will allow them to stay and work in Canada until a final decision has been made on their immigration application.

An additional 5 points may also be awarded for "Arranged Employment" under the Adaptability factor of the Federal Skilled Worker Program for immigration to Canada.  An offer of Arranged Employment can also award Federal Skilled Worker candidates points under Express Entry's Comprehensive Ranking System. 

Learn more about the FSWP's selection factors

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Cohen Immigration Law is a leading Canadian immigration law firm with over 45 years of experience. Cohen Immigration Law features over 60 immigration lawyers, paralegals, and professionals who are dedicated to helping you immigrate to Canada. was founded as the online presence of Cohen Immigration Law. Since its launch in 1994, CanadaVisa has grown into one of the globe's most trusted resources on Canadian immigration. If you want to immigrate to Canada through the PNP or another skilled worker pathway, the first step is to complete a free CanadaVisa assessment form. If you are eligible for Canadian immigration, a member of the Cohen Immigration Law team will reach out to provide you with as much assistance as possible.

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