Archive - Senior Managers - Trade, Broadcasting and Other Services, n.e.c. (NOC 0015)

Published: 2 octobre 2014

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If you are interested in working as a Senior Manager in Canada in trade, broadcasting, and other services, you will be pleased to know that the job outlook for your occupation in Canada is extremely healthy with slightly more opportunities projected than job seekers.

You can use this overview of the Canadian employment prospects in your field to start planning your immigration and settlement in Canada.


Important statistics for this occupation:

  • The majority of new job openings in this field will result from retirements, since workers in this field are typically older than average.
  • Expansion demand will also increase the number of opportunities available in this field.
  • Many newcomers to this field come from other professions with significant experience in public administration, teaching, health, finance, or sales.
  • Senior managers are always needed in Canada’s major cities. However, many smaller cities and towns across Canada are experiencing economic booms and are in need of experienced managers to head new and expanding companies.
  • The median yearly income for a Senior Manager is $85,800 in Canada, with high incomes reported in the range of $160,000.

Duties for Senior Managers

Senior managers in this classification plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate, through middle managers, trade, broadcasting and other service companies that are not classified elsewhere. They formulate policies that establish the direction to be taken by companies, either alone or in conjunction with a board of directors.

Description of Main Duties

Senior Managers perform some or all of the following duties:

  • Establish objectives for the company and formulate or approve policies and programs
  • Authorize and organize the establishment of major departments and associated senior staff positions
  • Allocate material, human and financial resources to implement organizational policies and programs; establish financial and administrative controls; formulate and approve promotional campaigns; and approve overall personnel planning
  • Select middle managers, directors or other executive staff
  • Co-ordinate the work of regions, divisions or departments
  • Represent the company or delegate representatives to act on behalf of the company in negotiations or other official functions

Example job titles for Senior Managers:

  • Chief executive officer (CEO), travel agency
  • Chief financial officer (CFO), professional sports club
  • Corporate controller, restaurant chain
  • Executive director, automobile association
  • General manager, cleaning service
  • President, department store
  • Regional vice-president, hotel chain
  • Vice-president, engineering – television broadcasting services
  • Vice-president, finance – food wholesaling
  • Vice-president, marketing – grocery store chain
  • Vice-president, operations – radio broadcasting services

Find out about salary ranges for Senior Managers in different Canadian cities with our Canada Salary Calculator.

You can start looking for a job in Canada by using our Canada Job Search Tool.