Hi Samantha,
I am sorry to hear abt u.... I dont know which visa u applied..... I applied under SPP and this is my profile:
B.Pharmacy 2006 passed out with Distinction
Inter(+2) - Distinction
10th - Distinction
2006-2008 Worked as Asst. Manufacturing chemist for a pharma company.
2008-2010 Went UK to pursue my masters which i havent complete
2010- Till date Working as an Analyst in Quality Control Dept. for a reputed Pharma Company.
Documents I submitted with my File:
Well written Strong SOP
Application forms
B.pharm marks lists, consolidated form, Convocation, Provisional
10th and Inter marks lists
My work experience certificates
Education loan letter against FD of 13,50,000.
1st semester fee receipt
College offer letter (Biotechnology-Technologist Fast track, Advanced diploma)
I think my SOP helped me a lot.... And am married. I applied alone and havent applied for my husband. I explained in the questionnaire form that he is settled in a highly paid Job and he will remain here. So i have a strong tie up to my home country. And i explained about the future prospects of my course and why i need this course and definitely aftr reading my SOP any VO will get convinced. So for me, my SOP is the main document that convinced VO and firstly its a God's Miracle

I wish u all the best for ur visa.... This time attach a well written strong convincing SOP explaining abt ur course that u have so many opportunities for ur course in ur home country. I also explained abt my academics...... I am going to start a new thread pasting my SOP so that it might be useful for atleast one person.... Please chek it.... Wish u all the best.