Hi, my study permit expired on August 30th, but i applied for extension on August 10th, i didn't get any result yet. And im graduated on September 5th. My clg gave me extension enrollment letter upto 31st Decem2019. Here my main concern of worry is, few days back i noticed that my enrollment letter has a mistake of my last name, it supposed to be gundlapally but typo is gundupally, i called to the concerned clg ppl to give a new enrollment letter with correct spelling and submit through web forms, they told me as im alrdy graduated, they cant issue a new enrollment letter. What to do now? And also as Im alrdy graduated, will i have any problem for extension? Also i called immigration office for my status on my application, they told my eligibility is passed but my application status is still under process, what does that eligibility passed means? Pls does any one have an answer?