orange_girl said:
You can work up to 24 hours a week on campus during your studies and up to 40 hours during scheduled breaks. You need SIN to be able to work on campus. Once you secure a job, you will need to apply for your SIN number. In order to get your SIN you will need to bring your study permit, your employer-employee contract and your timetable to a Service Canada location. You will be issued a SIN number on the same day, a SIN card will be mailed to you within a couple of weeks, but you can start working as soon as you have your number.
If approved for a work permit, students will be entitled to work up to 20 hours a week during the regular academic year, as long as they are registered as full-time students; and full-time during scheduled breaks (e.g., winter or summer holidays, reading week).
Although there is no legislation or policy preventing students from working 20 hours a week on campus and 20 hours a week off-campus, DIRs should discourage students from working more than 20 hours a week, reminding them that they must study full-time and maintain satisfactory academic standing in order to remain eligible for the program.
Some intensive programs may not have scheduled breaks or may have a break specifically for that program. Students participating in such programs would, therefore, be limited to working a maximum of 20 hours a week during the entire period.