Hey there, I am busy trying to figure out how to apply for the working holiday visa.
I do have sine question, maybe someone can help me with it.
- I only have time from next year April on. If I get the Invitation already ealier, should i apply ímmediatly? what if i would get the visa from january on already, does it count from then, or only when i enter the country? Does the visa expire? I am worried that I'll have to work longer than expected in my home country
- If I get the visa for 2 years, can Í leave the country for a few months and come back again?
I would be happy if some one could give me information =)
thank you
I do have sine question, maybe someone can help me with it.
- I only have time from next year April on. If I get the Invitation already ealier, should i apply ímmediatly? what if i would get the visa from january on already, does it count from then, or only when i enter the country? Does the visa expire? I am worried that I'll have to work longer than expected in my home country
- If I get the visa for 2 years, can Í leave the country for a few months and come back again?
I would be happy if some one could give me information =)
thank you