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Working Holiday Visa - a few questions...


Jan 7, 2013

first of all, I hope I found the right section for my topic ;)

So, I'm from Germany and I'm planning an about 6 months lasting working holiday in Canada at the moment. Therefore I'd like to apply for an working holiday visa, but somehow I got a bit confused during the process...

As I mentioned before, I'm from Germany and possess the German citizenship. Am I right assuming that I could simply visit Canada (e.g. as a normal tourist) without obtaining any special visa, simply by being German?

If so, is it possible for me to get a working permit on site? And how long would this take?

Maybe these questions are kind of easy to answer, but the problem is I somehow cant access the website of the Canadian government (and by association no reliable Informations).

I really would appreciate your help!

(and sorry for eventual grammar mistakes )


VIP Member
Jun 30, 2005

moeq said:

first of all, I hope I found the right section for my topic ;)

So, I'm from Germany and I'm planning an about 6 months lasting working holiday in Canada at the moment. Therefore I'd like to apply for an working holiday visa, but somehow I got a bit confused during the process...

As I mentioned before, I'm from Germany and possess the German citizenship. Am I right assuming that I could simply visit Canada (e.g. as a normal tourist) without obtaining any special visa, simply by being German?

If so, is it possible for me to get a working permit on site? And how long would this take?

Maybe these questions are kind of easy to answer, but the problem is I somehow cant access the website of the Canadian government (and by association no reliable Informations).

I really would appreciate your help!

(and sorry for eventual grammar mistakes )
1. You have to be between the ages of 18 and 35. Require insurance with repatriation and $2500.00 You apply to Vienna
2. The IEC has not opened for 2013 yet.
3. The information is here: http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/germany-allemagne/experience_canada_experience/index.aspx?view=d


Jan 7, 2013
Thanks for your answer!

1.) If these are the requirements: They are not the problem, I ll meet them.

2.) Oh, I thought it opens in December '12... . When will it open then?

3.) There's my problem: I cant access any of the websites of the Canadian government. I already tried it with a proxy, but still no success.

Can I apply for the work permit right on site? I tried to do it from here, but the form (IMM1295E) wants to know my intended occyupation (which I obviously dont know yet since I want to do a work & travel).


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moeq said:
Can I apply for the work permit right on site? I tried to do it from here, but the form (IMM1295E) always wants to know my intended occyupation (which I obviously dont know yet since I want to do a work & travel).
You can only apply for a regular work permit if you have a job offer from a Canadian employer and that employer has obtain an approved LMO (labour market opinion).


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Jan 23, 2012
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issues 14-01-2013, received COPR 30-01-2013
February 05, 2013!!!!!!!!!
Hallo moeq,

I am German as well and came to Canada on a Working Holiday Visa in April 2011.

I've found the website in German, not sure if you can open it now?!

It says the program will start mid-January 2013, so I would keep checking back.

If you come to Canada as a TOURIST, you can NOT work. A WHV would really be the easiest thing to do. It is an open work permit, so you're not bound to stay with the same employer/at the same place the whole time.

Send me a PM if you have any questions, I'd be happy to help!

Viele Gruesse :)


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Jan 23, 2012
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issues 14-01-2013, received COPR 30-01-2013
February 05, 2013!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, just noticed you only have 2 posts, so you can't send me a PM just yet (you need 10 posts to do that) so just ask your questions here in the thread. :)


Jan 7, 2013
scylla said:
You can only apply for a regular work permit if you have a job offer from a Canadian employer and that employer has obtain an approved LMO (labour market opinion).
Alright, but for a work & travel I dont need a regular work permit...? This working holiday visa, is it possible to get this when I'm in Canada?

Franzi said:
Hallo moeq,

I am German as well and came to Canada on a Working Holiday Visa in April 2011.

I've found the website in German, not sure if you can open it now?!

It says the program will start mid-January 2013, so I would keep checking back.

If you come to Canada as a TOURIST, you can NOT work. A WHV would really be the easiest thing to do. It is an open work permit, so you're not bound to stay with the same employer/at the same place the whole time.

Send me a PM if you have any questions, I'd be happy to help!

Viele Gruesse :)
Hey Franzi, danke für deine Antwort und deine Hilfe!

(I guess I have to answer in English since this is an English-speaking board)

Sadly I cant get on that website... :( I really dont know whats wrong with my computer, but I might try it from a mate's computer later on.

I have a few questions indeed :D :

First, there is this website I found (-->www cic gc ca/ctc-vac/cometocanada.asp?utm_source=slash-cometocanada&utm_medium=short-url&utm_campaign=come-to-canada --> just substitute the spaces by dots). After answering a couple of questions, it leads me to two forms, the IMM1295 application form (--> www cic gc ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM1295E.PDF) and the family information form IMM5707. I have no problem at all with completing the second one, but the first one wants to know my Canadian employer, which I obviously dont know yet (as I wrote before). Do you know more about it? Are these even the right forms ;) ?

Or to put it simply: how did you get your visa? Could you please give me a hint?

Grüße aus good old Germany :)

edit: to the administration: Sorry for posting the links, but I dont know another way to show which forms I mean


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issues 14-01-2013, received COPR 30-01-2013
February 05, 2013!!!!!!!!!
The Working Holiday Visa is an open work permit, valid for one year from the day of your arrival in Canada. You HAVE to apply for it from outside of Canada and it will be processed in your home counrty (used to be in Berlin, but might now be in Vienna).

As a German, you have to apply for the WHV specifically for Germans, that's why you won't fint it on the website you were on. That's why you have to apply on this website I linked to. So no, the forms you found are not right because the WHV is a special kind of work permit.

I'm copying some stuff from the website so you can read it before you figure out how to get it to work. ;)
(From: http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/germany-allemagne/experience_canada_experience/working_holiday-vacances_travail.aspx?lang=deu&view=d) Also, it seems that there are no forms online yet because they haven't started the process yet.

Als deutscher Staatsbürger zwischen 18 und 35 Jahren steht Ihnen die ganze Welt offen! Mit International Experience Canada können Sie ein Jahr lang in Kanada reisen und arbeiten.

Mit einem Working Holiday können Sie

Kanada bereisen,
die kanadische Kultur erleben und
englisch- und französischsprachige Leute treffen.
Bei einem Working Holiday können Sie sich während Ihrer Kanadareise Geld dazuverdienen, um Ihre Urlaubskasse aufzubessern. Wahrscheinlich werden Sie dabei nicht reich, verdienen aber genug Geld für die Unterkunft vor Ort und einige interessante Ausflüge.

Im Rahmen des deutsch-kanadischen Abkommens zur Jugendmobilität vergibt die kanadische Regierung über International Experience Canada Arbeitserlaubnisse an deutsche Staatsbürger, die zwischen 18 und 35 Jahre alt sind und für maximal ein Jahr in Kanada reisen und arbeiten möchten.

Das Working-Holiday-Programm richtet sich an deutsche Staatsbürger, die ein Jahr lang durch Kanada reisen und ihren Aufenthalt mit Gelegenheitsjobs finanzieren möchten.

Als Antragsteller in der Kategorie „Working Holiday“ müssen Sie

die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft besitzen und Ihren Hauptwohnsitz in Deutschland haben,
zwischen 18 und (einschließlich) 35 Jahre alt sein,
über CAD $ 2.500 verfügen, um die zu Beginn Ihrer Reise anfallenden Kosten decken zu können,
in der Lage sein, die Krankenversicherungskosten für die Dauer des Aufenthalts zu tragen – gegebenenfalls müssen Sie Ihren ausreichenden Versicherungsschutz bei der Einreise nach Kanada nachweisen,
eine Programmgebühr bezahlen,
zum ersten Mal einen Working-Holiday-Antrag stellen. Als deutscher Staatsbürger können Sie zwar zweimal am IEC Programm teilnehmen, allerdings nur in jeweils unterschiedlichen Kategorien.
Wenn Ihre Bewerbung in der Kategorie Working Holiday erfolgreich war, erhalten Sie eine Arbeitserlaubnis mit einem „offenen” Arbeitgeber und einem „offenen” Arbeitsort. Das bedeutet, dass Sie für einen beliebigen Arbeitgeber in Kanada an einem beliebigen Ort arbeiten dürfen. Es gibt keine Beschränkung der Zeit, die Sie für einen Arbeitgeber arbeiten dürfen, so lange die Arbeitserlaubnis gültig ist.

Bitte beachten Sie:

Spezielle Berufsfelder

Die reguläre Arbeitserlaubnis im Rahmen von International Experience Canada gestattet Ihnen nicht, in folgenden Berufsfeldern zu arbeiten:

in der Kinderbetreuung,
als Lehrkraft in Grundschulen und weiterführenden Schulen sowie
in Berufen des Gesundheitswesens.
Wenn Sie in einem dieser Berufsfelder arbeiten möchten, lesen Sie bitte aufmerksam das Merkblatt MEDS durch, unterschreiben es und legen es Ihrem Antrag bei. Die Botschaft von Kanada in Berlin wird Ihnen – nach Erhalt Ihres Antrags – ein personalisiertes medizinisches Untersuchungsformular zusenden. Für die medizinische Untersuchung wird Ihnen eine Liste mit offiziell benannten Ärzten und Instruktionen bereitgestellt. Erst nachdem die Botschaft von Kanada in Berlin die Ergebnisse Ihrer medizinischen Untersuchung erhalten hat, kann Ihr Antrag genehmigt werden. Bitte seien Sie sich im Klaren darüber, dass dies mehrere Wochen dauern kann und dass zusätzliche Arztgebühren anfallen.

Voraussetzungen für eine Arbeitserlaubnis

Personen, die sich für einen befristeten Zeitraum in Kanada aufhalten möchten (Besucher, Arbeitnehmer, Studierende), müssen die allgemeinen Voraussetzungen für einen befristeten Aufenthalt entsprechend der kanadischen Gesetzgebung (Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations) erfüllen.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die kanadische Einwanderungsbehörde (Citizenship and Immigration Canada) im Rahmen der Antragsbearbeitung jederzeit das Recht hat, zusätzliche Informationen oder Dokumente anzufordern.

Arbeiten Sie in einem Pub in Halifax, in einem Café in Winnipeg oder in einem Ski Resort in Banff... den Möglichkeiten sind keine Grenzen gesetzt!
Als deutscher Staatsbürger können Sie zwischen zwei Arten von Working-Holiday -Aufenthalten wählen:

Auf eigene Faust nach Kanada

Sie haben schon konkrete Vorstellungen von Ihrem Aufenthalt in Kanada?

Füllen Sie Ihren Bewerbungsantrag aus.
Planen Sie Ihre Reise und Unterkunft und schließen Sie eine Krankenversicherung ab (nach Erhalt Ihres Einreiseschreibens – „Letter of Introduction“).
Bitte beachten Sie: International Experience Canada bietet Ihnen keine Hilfestellung bei der Finanzierung und Planung Ihrer Reise oder bei der Jobsuche.

Mit einer Partnerorganisation nach Kanada

Sie benötigen Unterstützung bei der Planung Ihres travel and work Aufenthaltes in Kanada?

Wenden Sie sich an eine unserer anerkannten Partnerorganisationen. (Dabei handelt es sich um Nichtregierungsorganisationen, deren Service kostenpflichtig ist. Ihr Angebot ist möglicherweise nur in englischer und/oder französischer Sprache verfügbar.)
Füllen Sie Ihren Bewerbungsantrag aus.
Planen Sie Ihre Reise und Unterkunft und schließen Sie eine Krankenversicherung ab (nach Erhalt Ihres Einreiseschreibens – „Letter of Introduction“).
In Ihrem eigenen Interesse sollten Sie das Handbuch für Teilnehmer der Programme für Jugendmobilität mit Kanada lesen.

(PS: Trust me, you can organize everything yourself without the help of an organization and save a lot of money!)

I applied for my WHV in Jan. 2011 and it took about 3 or 4 weeks until I got it.

Happy to help! (PS: Where in Germany are you from?)


Jan 7, 2013
Franzi said:
The Working Holiday Visa is an open work permit, valid for one year from the day of your arrival in Canada. You HAVE to apply for it from outside of Canada and it will be processed in your home counrty (used to be in Berlin, but might now be in Vienna).

As a German, you have to apply for the WHV specifically for Germans, that's why you won't fint it on the website you were on. That's why you have to apply on this website I linked to. So no, the forms you found are not right because the WHV is a special kind of work permit.

I'm copying some stuff from the website so you can read it before you figure out how to get it to work. ;)
(From: [...]) Also, it seems that there are no forms online yet because they haven't started the process yet.
Wow, thanks a million! I was looking for this information for so long!

Franzi said:
(PS: Trust me, you can organize everything yourself without the help of an organization and save a lot of money!)

I applied for my WHV in Jan. 2011 and it took about 3 or 4 weeks until I got it.

Happy to help! (PS: Where in Germany are you from?)
3 to 4 weeks seem acceptable for me, especially since I'm used to the German authorities and thought it takes like 8 weeks (or even more)^^

I'm from southern Germany, close to Mannheim. What about you? Are you still in Canada?

Okay so far, as soon as the IEC opens (and I manage to get on that website^^) I'll start applying. Can't wait for it to open to be honest :)


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February 05, 2013!!!!!!!!!
moeq said:
Wow, thanks a million! I was looking for this information for so long!

I'm from southern Germany, close to Mannheim. What about you? Are you still in Canada?
You're welcome!! I'm happy that I can share my knowledge and experience. :)

I'm from Magdeburg, and yes, I'm still here in Canada. I got married in March 2012, changed my status from working to visitor in April 2012, sent off the application for Permanent Residence in May 2012 and extended my visitor visa in September. It's now valid until April 2013 but I hope that I will be a PR before that :)

Good luck and please let me know if you have any more questions!


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Jan 23, 2012
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Vienna 09-26-2012, in process 10-09-2012, DM 01-18-2013
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visa exempt
issues 14-01-2013, received COPR 30-01-2013
February 05, 2013!!!!!!!!!
PS: I have a good friend who also lives close to Mannheim! Dirmstein, I think!


Jan 7, 2013
Franzi said:
You're welcome!! I'm happy that I can share my knowledge and experience. :)

I'm from Magdeburg, and yes, I'm still here in Canada. I got married in March 2012, changed my status from working to visitor in April 2012, sent off the application for Permanent Residence in May 2012 and extended my visitor visa in September. It's now valid until April 2013 but I hope that I will be a PR before that :)

Good luck and please let me know if you have any more questions!
Wow, thats nice to hear!

I guess I'll might have some further questions as soon as I'm actually applying, so therefore, I'll gladly take you up on your offer :D

Viele Grüße :)


Hero Member
Jan 11, 2011
For all working holiday applicants there is a handy website out there - you can find all the info you need:

<a href=http://moving2canada.com/>Moving to Canada</a>

And if you need help with the insurance component or just general advice:

<a href=http://arbetovinsurance.com/iec-travel-insurance//>IEC/ Working Holiday</a>