MSAM2807 said:okk...what are your plans...MS/PG
Masters applied computer science ...............yup...AM2807 said:MS without gre???
is it???
From Pakistan already have a Master degree in Computer Science , applied to Concordia and Ottawa but chose Concordia.............AM2807 said:do you mind sharing your profile also the universities........
are you frm india
I asked for Research Master's they gave me in Applied Computer Science, will change once there after two to three semesters.............Concordia University Montreal.........AM2807 said:masters in computers and then again a master why?
oh you are from pakistan.....i have a friend named momi i just asked whether you are indian
when are you planning to go
Profile..........AM2807 said:ok..
i still have lots to do rom my end...planning for jan intake..
ielts not yet given
still a bit doubtfull about colleges
Dear why not going for University, Your profile is good........Get 6.5 to 7 in IELTS and then apply for University...........AM2807 said:10 -81%
12 - 72.3%
B.E in electronics n commication - 77.3%
wokiing in a software company have wrk ex 2 years
planning for pg diploma course
Go for University degree, your chances are bright, check it out there must be some other universities offering winter term courses..........AM2807 said:diploma in university ..heard its more expensive also that univ are mainly for masters and employers first choice in univ are ms people amd diplomas are second choice whereas colleges are majorly job oriented.
only u o r has openings left for jan intake now![]()