muhazam said:
refuse work permit and same canadian company sponsor for me as a visitor visa
even i dont have my own bank statment
waiting reply asap please
You have provided a little information to answer your question correctly.
If you are outside of canada:
visitor visa is mostly for the purpose of short visit to canada e.g for tourism, family visit etc and any one can apply for a visitor visa outside of canada. in simple terms sponsor in a visitor visa just mean someone you know in canada who validates your intentions and visit purpose and offer you accommodation, food etc during your stay. IT does not carry much weight in making decision as your personal circumstances (your financial stability, intentions, past travel history, ties to your home country etc) are more important for a VO to make a decision. Your work permit rejection had already establish a fact that you do have intentions to work and stay in canada for a longer period, so making an application right after WP rejection and without considerable change in your circumstances may lead to the second rejection.
-you can also overcome the previous rejection reasons and re-apply for the work permit.
If you are already in canada:
it is all the way different. if your WP is refused you have to apply for restoration of status and then re-apply for wp if you fulfill the requirements. it all depends on your status in canada.