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work permit applying from Mexico


Aug 18, 2021

I am hoping you can give me some advice regarding my situation...
I am a 28 year old actuary with a Canadian/US actuarial credential. Worked for 6 years in Mexico City as an actuary.
I was offered a job in Ontario, I quit my current job at the end of july (i know, bad decision), I applied for the work permit on July 28th, gave my biometrics on August 14th.
I am reading about the great delays in the processing times and some rejections and it is driving me nuts

In your opinion, how likely is that I get my work permit based on my background? (no criminal record or deportation, I traveled a lot in the last 5 years (for holiday), i dont have family or friends in Canada, I dont usually keep money in my bank account) what else do they check?

Is there somebody that applied for a study/work permit in Mexico during covid that could provide me your timeline?

I am being offered a job in Mexico (and I need money) but as I have already applied for the visa I dont know if I should accept.

Thanks in advance!!