My experience has been total incompetence and ineptitude. The CBSA home office gave me information how to do it at the border (as a US citizen seeking open work permit because my spouse is a student at a Canadian university), only to be met with obstinacy by a border agent, who dismissed information from her agency. She gave me phone numbers to call to the Consulate in Detroit, and I explained to her that I had called them, and the Detroit Consulate had been closed since January 2012. She told me I should have called the border and spoken to an agent, and I told her there is no option to speak to an agent. She told me there was, and another agent told her there is no way an agent can speak to anyone by phone at the border. She told me to contact NY Consulate, which I had already done, indicating she was in error. She told me to apply to the Consulate in New York. I contacted them via email, and they emailed a checklist of documents for me to include, only to have the entire application returned to me 2 weeks later because the checklist they submitted to me was incorrect. When I initially sought a status update on my application, I received an update on it a couple of days later, only to receive an email the next morning indicating that I had not submitted an application to the New York Consulate.
I filed a complaint with the border agent, and was told by the investigating agent that I was correct in going to the border, and that the officer would be retrained; and that everything should have been ok.
My experience, as you can see, has simply been incompetence.