hello mocha and everyone! I'm new here. i just want to share my experience for my work permit application for lcp. june 26, 2014 i was submitted my online application and paid 155cad, they sent me a confirmation that i successfully transmitted the transaction. after almost 2 months they called me and confirmed my email address and sent me and email that me and my employer need to submit some additional docs. so i informed my employer and sent the needed documents directly to cic then me i process my police clearance here in ksa and phils together with my nbi. i did my medical last month sept. 28, 2014 and already submitted directly to cic. they sent an email that i have updates from cic account then i opened it, it was stated that i was passed the medical. i sent an email on october 16 if they received the additional documents from me and my employer and they replied that they already received all the required documents and my application was under process. is it possible thay they will approve my application? and how many months more to wait for the approval? aside from 155cad that i paid, is ther anything else to be paid? anyone can answer is a great help because im always worried about it. thanks a lot and goodluck to all applicants! just hope that in god's time they will approve our application.