I am filling out my application for EE and I am aiming for FSW program. I have 2 questions
1. I want to claim points for my foreign work experience that I gained in Pakistan (1.5 years) which is good. However I have been working in Canada as well (NOC Code A) for 8 months. Since canadian experience is less than 1 year, it will not give me any points (also it is a hastle to get experience letter for this one). I am thinking to show foreign experience in work history and Canadian experience in personal history (once i get ITA). Is that alright ? it wont be miss interpretation right ?
2. I do not want to claim points for my wife's education as she does not have ECA done. I have seen people saying that even if you select NO ECA done for wife's education section in EE application , the document check list will ask to upload wife's education document. So in wife's education can i select NO to "Has XX finished high school or any higher education (including university, college or vocational training)?" question and then just put the education in personal history (after ITA) ?
Thanks Folks
I am filling out my application for EE and I am aiming for FSW program. I have 2 questions
1. I want to claim points for my foreign work experience that I gained in Pakistan (1.5 years) which is good. However I have been working in Canada as well (NOC Code A) for 8 months. Since canadian experience is less than 1 year, it will not give me any points (also it is a hastle to get experience letter for this one). I am thinking to show foreign experience in work history and Canadian experience in personal history (once i get ITA). Is that alright ? it wont be miss interpretation right ?
2. I do not want to claim points for my wife's education as she does not have ECA done. I have seen people saying that even if you select NO ECA done for wife's education section in EE application , the document check list will ask to upload wife's education document. So in wife's education can i select NO to "Has XX finished high school or any higher education (including university, college or vocational training)?" question and then just put the education in personal history (after ITA) ?
Thanks Folks