Why not?. You Guy's really need to start reading what's on the CIC website, as if u are getting ready for an EXAM.
Pursuant to R80, officers will assess and award up to 21 units of assessment for paid work
experience, as follows:
Number of Less than 1 At least 1 At least 2 At least 3 4 or more
Points 0 15 17 19 21
To be eligible for points, the applicant's work experience must:
• have occurred during the 10 years immediately preceding the date of application submission;
• be in occupations listed in the National Occupational Classification (NOC) under Skill Type 0
or Skill Level A and B;
• not be in an occupation that has been designated by the Minister as a restricted occupation.
At the time of printing, there were no occupations designated as restricted. However, for the
most up-to-date listing, officers should refer to the Department's Web site at
A) One-year continuous full-time experience: this means one year in one skilled occupation to
demonstrate an ability to establish oneself economically;
(B) The equivalent in continuous part-time employment in one or more occupations.