I have 5.5 years of IT experience. I have everything in place to create a profile i.e. ECA evacuation, IELTS score and employment reference letter from my previous companies. It might take some time (around 2-3 months ) for my current company to provide me reference letter. After excluding my present company's experience, I have 4.6 years of experience. From what I understand, as per CRS points system, 4-5 and 5-6 years experience have same points. So can I go ahead and create my profile with 4.6 years experience and edit my profile later on when I get the current company's reference letter?
Conclusion - 1. is it the right approach?
2. Are we allowed to edit the profile once created?
Conclusion - 1. is it the right approach?
2. Are we allowed to edit the profile once created?