When you are going to prepare work experience certificate from your past/present employers,make sure that it contains the following: 1. date of appointment to last date of service (duration), 2. your designation, 3. your subject which you teach, 4. all this should be on the college letter pad and duly signed by the head of the college/principal, 5. you should also preferably get hold of the visiting card of the principal and attach it with your work experience certificate.
KINDLY NOTE: when you are preparing the work experience certificate of your PRESENT employment, make sure that apart from the above mentioned points,1.make sure that your also mention in detail the nature of job responsibilities that you have as college lecturer (it should be in detail and mention all your duties) and 2. Prepare a salary certificate too from your college, mentioning the details of your salary, your savings such as PF, and other deductions. 3. Also prepare a PF certificate from your college, mentioning how much money you have saved as PF in your PF account (as this also can be used to show how much transferable funds you have). If you need any other clarification, please dont hesitate to ask.
Regards, harryk.