What is the source of this information? Are you sure that overseas work experience counts even if I didn't have my degree yet?If you were studying and working in Canada, no
If you were overseas, yes.
Yes.What is the source of this information? Are you sure that overseas work experience counts even if I didn't have my degree yet?
Yes, you can look for it.Is there any source link that i can check?
The thing is i can't find anything about it? Where do you know this info from?Yes, you can look for it.
But in this link it says I can't count work experience gained while i was a student http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=393&top=29I know this info from extensive research and based on the fact that I have helped others in this situation obtain their PR.
okay. thank you very much for the informationThat's for Canadian students.