I have one small confusion please advice me
I had one job as computer instructor from march 2004 to Dec 2005
I finished my degree in august 2004 and my computer diploma in Dec
1) Means till Dec 2004 i was taking part time class and after that full time
classes, means my full time experience is from Dec 2004 to Dec 2005
according to me my total experience is one year and 10 months
10 months is part time so equivelant full time experience is 5 month
am I right
should i write separately full time and part time experience or write it
only full time experience in reference letter.
2) my second question is that when I started my carrier it was xyz
during year 2004 to 2005 our institue has changed into thr college in the yr 2004. At that time i was concluding my rest batch in th same name college but center name is changed into IT college.Now I am very much confuse that Do i have to give my reference letter from the institute or college or from both with explanation that institute has been converted into college.
any suggested matter
I have one small confusion please advice me
I had one job as computer instructor from march 2004 to Dec 2005
I finished my degree in august 2004 and my computer diploma in Dec
1) Means till Dec 2004 i was taking part time class and after that full time
classes, means my full time experience is from Dec 2004 to Dec 2005
according to me my total experience is one year and 10 months
10 months is part time so equivelant full time experience is 5 month
am I right
should i write separately full time and part time experience or write it
only full time experience in reference letter.
2) my second question is that when I started my carrier it was xyz
during year 2004 to 2005 our institue has changed into thr college in the yr 2004. At that time i was concluding my rest batch in th same name college but center name is changed into IT college.Now I am very much confuse that Do i have to give my reference letter from the institute or college or from both with explanation that institute has been converted into college.
any suggested matter