What is involved in each of the components?
Written Diagnostic Exam
The written diagnostic exam includes both multiple choice and short answer questions that test general nursing knowledge.
Clinical Judgement Scenarios
This is an interview style assessment that evaluates your ability to make sound clinical judgements in situations that are complex and have no “simple” answers. These situations will assess the ability of the candidate to think deliberately and critically through a nursing situation, apply essential and relevant knowledge, consider possibilities and options and take reasoned, reflective, and insightful decisions and actions. View an example here.
Triple Jump Assessment
During this interview, problem solving and critical thinking skills are tested. The candidate is presented with a brief client situation, asked to generate a problem list, identify and collect relevant data, revise the problem list, develop an intervention/management plan, and then self evaluate. View an example here.
Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
This assessment is conducted in a lab setting, where a candidate will role-play a nurse in response to client/family health situations and demonstrate his or her abilities to apply knowledge by holistically caring for this client/family. The exercise assesses nurse-client relationships, critical thinking and clinical judgement, health assessment and nursing skills, pharmacology and pathophysiology, and decision making in rapidly changing situations.
This provides an opportunity for the candidate to describe how they have met the professional standards during nursing practice in their country of origin.