odonacer said:
It'll be a General Stream.
About all process' phases you can read on MPNP's treads.
Hi guys, I just read this in http://www.immigratemanitoba.com/. Iam getting a little confuse here, some say its GS or ES but here its states that "To be considered a close relatives your relationship to the applicant (
or spouse) must be one of the following:
sister or brother
aunt or uncle
niece or nephew
mother or father
grandmother or grandfather
first cousin
That is, a child of your aunt or uncle.
Manitoba Supporters
Friends, distant & “close” relatives
A Manitoba Supporter is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who is economically established and has been living in Manitoba continuously for at least one year, who has ties to Manitoba stronger than to another province, and who is not currently supporting the settlement of another MPNP applicant or nominee or person in another Canadian immigration program.
All supporters must provide proof of residence. “Close” relatives must also prove their familial relationship to the applicant.
To be considered a close relatives your relationship to the applicant (or spouse) must be one of the following:
sister or brother
aunt or uncle
niece or nephew
mother or father
grandmother or grandfather
first cousin
That is, a child of your aunt or uncle.