Hi. Firstly, after a total of 15 months from the start , my wife had an interview in Bogota Nov.10. I am sooo thrilled! but I was a shocked, after hours and hours of preparation, over 270 pages of letters, fotos etc., her interview lasted 15 minutes! Wow! She is just re-doing medicals today. So, as many have said, for those going to interviews, really be organized ,( the young officer said to my wife some about he wished everyone was so organized ). My main question is now, coming from Colombia to Vancouver, most flights make a stop in the states. I see a few in Jan.,they are as cheap for 3 of us to return as the price for me just going. I see one lands in Panama city, Los Angeles, then Vancouver. My question is , if my wife and daughter are coming to Canada as permanent residents, will there be problems landing in the states? I hope this is wrong. Someone said she may need a visa to land there. I doubt it, but,as long as she has her passport with her canadian visa,,is everything fine in U.S.? Thanx for information. Again, thanx to many people on here and esp. the sagacious comments by PMM and friends