faridshariff said:
well mate you are experienced..I would suggest to think over your program selection...you said you are interested in improving your skills in computer engineering then why to go for Prj Mgmt? I would suggest you to search and find a Post graduate program related to your interest..Since you'll be investing 7lakhs+ on tution itself then make sure you get what you desire..you must be aware that where do you see yourself in future after completing either PG in comp engg or a PG in project management..obviously it has to be what you are interested in rather than what can get you to canada..
btw a diploma course is an entry level course so dont expect a lot..trust me even if you get a visa it will be useless to spend the money..as you are already a graduate engineer..and your highest qualification will still be BE after completing the diploma course...so dont expect huge increase in pay after completion.. its kindof going backwards isnt it? your visa for diploma will most probably be rejected..
regarding project management..its a good choice but depends on person to person..some may be technicaly gifted who know how to execute the work and some are good at getting the work done from others..
just sit down..relax..find out your interest and where you want to see yourself in future, chose a program accordingly, check course contents whether they suit your requirement..than you'll actually have a SOP and no one can stop you from studing and then having a bright future!
Thanks. I am planning to do the software engineering course since software engineering course is diploma course it will not favour my visa approval. Initially there was no software engineering related courses are available other than Project Management and i got the admisson letter for that. However, i learned later that software engineering courses are opened for may intake and i secured admisson for that course.
As of now, i am working as software engineer in .Net platform and selecting SW related course will give me the oppurtunities to learn Java and other technologies which will be useful in future and sametime it will boost my skills.
For sake of visa, i am applying for Project Management and will change the course once i obtained my visa. you are right that diploma is entry level course but with my existing experience i beleive i will get SW job with decent salary.
Finally, I really love canada and wants to settle there. So doing studies and working increase my chances in getting PR in future since it is really tough to enter canada directly to work. I beleive i made a good choice and still you also made some good points!!