mikeymyke said:
And also, not to make light of your situation too, but my wife's visa office has a 30 month processing time, and a low acceptance rate (72%), but London has a ridiculously high acceptance rate and their processing time isn't too shabby. Also as a UK citizen, he has a far easier time coming to visit you than my wife does. My wife's country is so shady, its one of 30 or so countries that demand biometric data prior to entry.
Waiting is tough, but just remember you're going to have a much easier ride than most people who have spouses in other less developed countries.
My husband is not a UK Citizen. He is Irish, from Ireland and his VO is in London UK. Ireland is a visa exempt country from what I read. I also read that London has a high acceptance rate, but I'm not going to let that not let me worry you know? I've seen other countries like Beijing (not too sure don't quote me haha) but they have a higher acceptance rate and faster process time. My husband is thankfully going to come in October to see me and spend a week or two with me. We applied in May and I really hope by October at least the ball gets rolling. Such a long time ahead but I really hope everything works in everyone's favour here on this forum! It's so hard to be away from your partner. Is your wife going to visit you?
Also because the sponsorship approval waiting time has gone up will this effect my husbands processing time and arrival date? Don't they have to give you a notice to land in Canada before the date of your medicals?
Also, maybe you're right. Maybe I will have an easier time but I still have my doubts especially when my husband has been arrested for assault, but hasn't been convicted, never went to prison, he's pretty much not a criminal no record, he just has a peace bond (has to keep the peace) which is set to expire this September. Even though he answered those questions truthfully, even though he provided in depth court documentation, therapy information, the police report etc. Even though a lawyer, and those appointed people stated that it shouldn't effect his pr application it still worries me that the London VO will not let him have it even though he was completely honest, made one mistake, got help out of his own doing, has never been in trouble with the law with the exception of the peace bond, that for some reason they will deny him. Our relationship is very straightforward and we provided a lot of things, sometimes I think too much or not enough. But I still worry.