I will be coming to Canada on a Working Holiday Visa from the USA in September 2014.
At that time I will immediately move in with my Boyfriend of (what will be in September) 1 year and 4 months who is a Natural Canadian Citizen.
I will live and (hopefully) work the entire year that the visa allows.
My main question is:
While I'm there, before my WHV expires, can we start the application process for Common Law even though we won't, as of yet, lived an entire year together? Since it takes so long for the application to process and all.
Or If not a Common Law what about a Conjugal?
I will be coming to Canada on a Working Holiday Visa from the USA in September 2014.
At that time I will immediately move in with my Boyfriend of (what will be in September) 1 year and 4 months who is a Natural Canadian Citizen.
I will live and (hopefully) work the entire year that the visa allows.
My main question is:
While I'm there, before my WHV expires, can we start the application process for Common Law even though we won't, as of yet, lived an entire year together? Since it takes so long for the application to process and all.
Or If not a Common Law what about a Conjugal?