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WHP Issued on US/Canadian Border..


Nov 23, 2009
Im trying to find out where i can get my WHP (working holiday program) issued on the USA/Canadian border..
I am in Canada on the WHP, and am going to reapply for it, i have to leave Canada before June 5th 2010..
I want to simply go to the US border and re-enter Canada and have my WHP issued.. But i can not find out anywhere what Ports or Entry i can come through into Canada, that are able to issue the WHP..
Im hoping there is somewhere on the Ontario or Alberta Border that i can go to have is issued??


Champion Member
Sep 3, 2009
Job Offer........
All Ports of Entry can do it as long as you have been approved for a new or extension work permit. Just bring the documentation there. Make sure you are eligible and have applied; if you just show up at the border and say "I want more, please," you will get nowhere...

You don't mention which country you are from, but I was on the Swedish one. Before my first one expired I applied for a new one from the Swedish embassy, got a new letter from them (all you get is a letter saying you are approved), went around the border with the letter and then got my new work permit.