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Which NOC to choose for credit card fraud analyst


Jun 17, 2019
My wife has worked with following job duties:

Main duties:
1) Verify and validate customer's credit card transactions for any fraud.
2) Review customer's credit history, previous payments' history to prevent any fraudulent transactions on his account.
3) Use various tools (OMNI, Fraudnet, Fiserv, Fast data web etc.) for detecting frauds.
4) Take decisions on blocking of credit card accounts based on any fraudulent transactions.
5) Review Access checks for existing credit card customers in an effort to mitigate fraud losses utilizing several applications.
6) Contacting the banking centers, recovery services for verification of transaction & account information. Take appropriate action to pay or to defer the access check.
7) As a senior team member, train new associates by making feasible targets for them to meet on daily basis and giving feedback on errors observed.
8) Responsible for sending daily report of the work done to the client.
9) Perform root cause analysis of frauds for the process to identify the fraud indicators on accounts.
10) Take dispute resolution calls with line of business (client) to discuss errors on weekly basis and give proper feedback to peers.
11) Work on audit cases with peers, provide feedback on errors in weekly quality sessions.
12) Present monthly business review in front of front-line managers.

I emailed to the NC-NOC-CNP-GD2@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca for the NOC but they didn't mention any specific NOC but just gave some hints on how i can search the NOC. I have filled NOC 1114. My wife has done B.Com. Does anyone else has similar job duties and filled the EE profile. Can you help with selecting the correct NOC.
Hello, please advise was that noc code successful? i am stuck in the same situation.. i need urgent help


Jun 17, 2019
I recently saw your post
i am also applying for my PR and i have a similar profile as your wife (Fraud Analyst)
i just wanted to know if the NOC code you used: 1114 was successful or if you had to change the NOC and apply again


Which noc was used and was that successful? please help i need urgent advise?