My husband (sponsor, Canadian) and I (applicant, Japanese) are currently living in Canada and trying to decide between the Inland Spouse or Common-Law Partner in Canada Class and the Outland Family Class.
**Work Permit**
If I understand correctly, I can apply for an open work permit with either the Inland or Outland application. However, I currently hold an LMIA work visa, which expires at the end of July. I want to ensure that my status allows me to continue working during this process.
**Pressing Time**
According to recent immigration news in Canada, the processing time for Inland applications is approximately 24 months, while Outland applications take about 11 months.
**Addresses in Canada**
We have two rental properties. One is in Vancouver, where my husband lives full-time since his office is located there. I spend weekends at this address. The second property is on Golf Islands, where I reside during the weekdays due to my work location. My husband visits occasionally on weekends. We currently prioritize our careers, but we plan to live together in one place eventually. I consider Vancouver to be my main address, as our CRA, joint bank account, my personal bank account, and my phone bill are all registered there.
**Family Concerns**
My grandmother lives in Japan, and I have always been very close to her. With the Inland option, I wouldn’t be able to leave Canada while my application is being processed for about 24 months. This concerns me, as I worry about potential family emergencies.
I believe the Outland option may be better for me since the processing time is shorter, it allows me to apply for an open work permit, and I can travel outside of Canada during the application process.
I can’t think of any disadvantages to the Outland option.
Can anyone provide guidance on whether my understanding is correct or if I am missing something? Are there any disadvantages to the Outland option?
Thank you in advance for your help!
My husband (sponsor, Canadian) and I (applicant, Japanese) are currently living in Canada and trying to decide between the Inland Spouse or Common-Law Partner in Canada Class and the Outland Family Class.
**Work Permit**
If I understand correctly, I can apply for an open work permit with either the Inland or Outland application. However, I currently hold an LMIA work visa, which expires at the end of July. I want to ensure that my status allows me to continue working during this process.
**Pressing Time**
According to recent immigration news in Canada, the processing time for Inland applications is approximately 24 months, while Outland applications take about 11 months.
**Addresses in Canada**
We have two rental properties. One is in Vancouver, where my husband lives full-time since his office is located there. I spend weekends at this address. The second property is on Golf Islands, where I reside during the weekdays due to my work location. My husband visits occasionally on weekends. We currently prioritize our careers, but we plan to live together in one place eventually. I consider Vancouver to be my main address, as our CRA, joint bank account, my personal bank account, and my phone bill are all registered there.
**Family Concerns**
My grandmother lives in Japan, and I have always been very close to her. With the Inland option, I wouldn’t be able to leave Canada while my application is being processed for about 24 months. This concerns me, as I worry about potential family emergencies.
I believe the Outland option may be better for me since the processing time is shorter, it allows me to apply for an open work permit, and I can travel outside of Canada during the application process.
I can’t think of any disadvantages to the Outland option.
Can anyone provide guidance on whether my understanding is correct or if I am missing something? Are there any disadvantages to the Outland option?
Thank you in advance for your help!