Actually I wanted to know which is the best colleges among Geroge Brown , Centennial or Seneca ??? And I also saw a post written there that to get for a diploma VISA officer will reject you as in saying that you are overqualified ... I am really in urgency of a post secondary diploma prgram of 2 years because I want to have extra one year work permit if I can complete .... I have done my under graduation from North South university in telecommunication . My cgpa is 2.5 ........
So i really want a good college name from these among three ... or if you have any other option in toronto please tell me ........... its really urgent for me to know...... but i dont have anyone to help me out .......... what subject can be perfect for me ......... I WANT TO ADD I WANT TO SWITCH MY LINE FROM SCIENCE TO BUSINESS OR MEDIA RELATED ANYTHING ............
So i really want a good college name from these among three ... or if you have any other option in toronto please tell me ........... its really urgent for me to know...... but i dont have anyone to help me out .......... what subject can be perfect for me ......... I WANT TO ADD I WANT TO SWITCH MY LINE FROM SCIENCE TO BUSINESS OR MEDIA RELATED ANYTHING ............