kwyatt75 said:
Your card was declined because the account was too new? That is crazy! How embarrassing. I'm not sure what exactly the aversion to RBC is from some folks. I've been looking at the websites of a lot of the suggestions and RBC seems to be pretty good. They do seem have good newcomer offers like auto loans, credit cards and mortgages even though you are new and have not yet built Canadian credit.
Thanks for your thoughts.
I opened both account at same day and rbc issue me an cash back master Card within 6 months with $2500 limit but other side I got visa from td after calling them $500 but I can use if I have more than $500 in my chequing wtf. That's my secound reason closing account.
Then I opened BMO after closing td and I was surprised coz they offer great interest rate on saving + $9000 master card after 6 months. And other side rbc incresed my limits every 3 months and now I have $25000 on my cash back master card.
Plus point I don't pay a single penny to RBC for banking since I opened my account and for bmo if you manage you chequeing balance $1500, same thing you don't pay anything.
For both banks every year in January I got minimum $150+ each bank back in my account. Coz I got cash back master cards. depend on how much I spend.
I also have a Esso gas visa card with rbc which I use for daily shopping these days and I got sometime free gas for week or car wash and if I don't use my point then free movie for two

depend how much I spend and how many points I got