i noticed it's common for LVO to ask the applicant to submit additional proof of an ongoing relationship in the form of messaging logs and pictures of recent visits. i don't have a problem with providing proof of communication, but pictures of recent visits is going to be a huge problem for me. i only get 10 vacation days a year, and i'm trying to save them up to visit my wife for our anniversary. furthermore, flights are expensive, so it wouldn't make sense for me to visit unless it was for a good amount of time. what should I do if they ask my wife for proof of her sponsor visiting her? i see other pakistani sponsors somehow visiting their spouses for 4+ weeks per year and then they voluntarily submit proof of their visit... i keep worrying that the visa officers will expect the same of me and red flag my wife's case when they see that i haven't visited her. it's even worse yet because she never bothered applying for a TRV since she has zero proof of ties to her home country...