Canada's best cities to live in
March 21, 2012 | By Phil Froats (research)
Climate, home prices and other factors considered in new ranking
What's the best place to live in Canada?
MoneySense has ranked 190 Canadian cities and towns in order to find out. As part of our annual Best Places to Live package, we've rated each city in 22 categories to determine which places offer top-notch amenities. Some of those categories include affordable housing, crime rates, unemployment, access to health care and weather.
Being the best in one category doesn't guarantee a spot near the top; our rankings reward cities that place high in multiple categories. So how does your city stack up? Check out our top cities and find out how your town did.
* Bing: The best cities to live in the world
World's most livable cities
The Economist's World's Most Liveable Cities 2011 (Top 10)
City Country Rating
1 Melbourne Australia 97.5
2 Vienna Austria 97.4
3 Vancouver Canada 97.3
4 Toronto Canada 97.2
5 Calgary Canada 96.6
6 Sydney Australia 96.1
7 Helsinki Finland 96.0
8 Perth Australia 95.9
9 Adelaide Australia 95.9
10 Auckland New Zealand 95.7
Hope that helps,