Hi there. I know this must have been answered a million times on this website. However our situation isn't the norm so I just wanted to clarify a few specifics regarding our case.
We received a landing interview letter (yay!) and just wanted to know what/who we all have to bring with us. My husband is applying to come here from the States.
He has no children from the U.S, and is the sole applicant. However, I notice it says on the letter that all "dependents on the application" must come. We have two children together who were born and live in Canada (both are registered as Canadian citizens) as well as my two other children from a previous relationship. They are on the application in the sense that he had to list his dependents. Do we have to bring them?
I ask because if we can avoid bringing them (4 kids ranging from 8 months-9 years is alot to be bringing to a government office) so we can just go in, do the interview, and focus on not chasing kids everywhere, that would be ideal.
My second question is, is only the applicant is required to bring in the photos? I wasn't sure if they needed one of me (the sponsor) as well or just him? We want to make sure we are prepared and don't show up with less than is necessary.
We received a landing interview letter (yay!) and just wanted to know what/who we all have to bring with us. My husband is applying to come here from the States.
He has no children from the U.S, and is the sole applicant. However, I notice it says on the letter that all "dependents on the application" must come. We have two children together who were born and live in Canada (both are registered as Canadian citizens) as well as my two other children from a previous relationship. They are on the application in the sense that he had to list his dependents. Do we have to bring them?
I ask because if we can avoid bringing them (4 kids ranging from 8 months-9 years is alot to be bringing to a government office) so we can just go in, do the interview, and focus on not chasing kids everywhere, that would be ideal.
My second question is, is only the applicant is required to bring in the photos? I wasn't sure if they needed one of me (the sponsor) as well or just him? We want to make sure we are prepared and don't show up with less than is necessary.