whimsical said:
I have got CRS of 434. But the lowest CRS as of yet is 450. So i guess, i have to be at the mercy of a Provincial Nominee Program (PNP).
The Greater Toronto Area is the financial capital of Canada and the third largest financial services centre in North America.
Toronto is home to the vast majority of Canada's largest financial services companies:
- 2 of the largest 10 global life insurers, plus a third with significant operations in Toronto
- 3 of the world's 25 largest banks and Canada's 5 largest banks
- The 3rd largest exchange in North America, and 7th largest in the world
- 3 of the top 50 global pension funds
- 4 of the 5 largest investment management firms in Canada
- 3 of the 4 largest property and casualty insurers in Canada
- Operations of 7 of the top 10 largest global hedge fund administrators
- The financial services sector directly employed 220,000 people in the Greater Toronto Area (2008).
- Including indirect effects, the sector employed a total of 350,000 people, accounting for over 12% of employment in the GTA (2008).
- The financial sector contributed 21.1% of the Toronto Region's GDP, including direct and indirect contributions (2008).
- Financial services companies and their employees accounted for 24% of all corporate fundraising at the Sick Kids Foundation and nearly 40% of all donations to the United Way of Greater Toronto (2008).
- From 2003 to 2008 the financial sector jobs in the Toronto Region grew by 4.3% per annum, contributing an incremental $6.2B in GDP.
Hope the above facts would help you to decide. Google for jobs in Toronto. All the best!