I waiting for PPR medical done 9 months ago ...i received my caips notes there are due dates on pretty much everything
Medical passed
Criminality on process due date 4/4/2013 (today!!!!)
Security not started due date 4/4/2013
Eligibility not started due date 4/4 /2013
File assigned to RC-9515 (who is RC -9515)
Due date 4/4/2013.
Please I know something will happen today ...but anyone can explain this due dates????
Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!

Medical passed
Criminality on process due date 4/4/2013 (today!!!!)
Security not started due date 4/4/2013
Eligibility not started due date 4/4 /2013
File assigned to RC-9515 (who is RC -9515)
Due date 4/4/2013.
Please I know something will happen today ...but anyone can explain this due dates????
Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!