Generally just for the applicant.
Think about your situation and see if there are any red flags. Is there a big age difference between you? Culture/religion difference? Have either of you previously been married, do you have kids? Has your husband ever applied for a TRV to come to Canada? Have you ever sponsored a different spouse?
This will give you an idea of what they will concentrate on at the interview. When they ask the questions above, obviously they don't know most of the answers. They are looking for your husband's responses, is he shooting out the answers as if he has them memorized? It's best if he can stay conversational. It is odd in many cultures for men to tell strangers about how much they love their life, but he will have to let his guard down and be honest, truthful and sincere with his answers so they will see the love he has for you. Body language, etc. all have a part in an interview.