Hi Nordicgirl. Your friend acquired her citizenship under false pretenses and it could be revoked. Prior to 2017 part of the citizenship application asked you to confirm that you would remain living in Canada. The Trudeau government has removed that requirement since then, but that is the reason that I did not apply for Citizenship. Even though I have been living in Canada for 35 years, I always intended to retire to my home country. I know that many people lie to get what they want but for me, my integrity is firmly in place and nothing will shake it, not even a desire to be Canadian. Luckily I didn't have to compromise myself since last year I was able to apply and get my citizenship without having to discuss my plans for the future. I strongly believe that applying for something as important as citizenship one should be truthful, after all who wants to belong to a culture of liars?
The intent to reside in Canada after acquiring citizenship was introduced by Harper government not that long ago and is really a very peculiar requirement that you rarely find in other naturalization laws of other countries.
Based on date of post and substracting 4 years, the person in question applied in 2009. The intent to reside was not a requirement for citizenship at the time. Meaning she was in her right to move the day after she applied for citizenship.
Trudeau just repelled the change introduced by Harper.
Furthermore, the application takes a year or more and plans can change in that time. Example: a person being laid off, meeting his other half in some other part of the world and moving to live with them.
And while some people that intend to leave canada apply for citizenship just for the perk of the Canadian passport, many apply because the have some attachement to canada, and still contemplate the possibility of returning to Canada at some point. (This is specially true for people that can go work in Europe easily, before becoming Canadian like the person is question)