Thanks. I will definitely take this into consideration:
When flying in, I would say it is best to avoid arriving in Quebec. For some reason, Quebec has the highest detection rate of RO violations. The rate at which they report people is 3x Vancouver's report rate and 6x Toronto's report rate."
But tell me though, how or where did you get the RO violation detection rate statistics from?
Somebody got it through a Freedom of Information request, and we should all be very thankful for that.
At least from what I gathered on the forum, people always kinda try to avoid a Quebec POE unless you are fluent Francophone. (If you met all your obligations you could go wherever and whenever you want, but when trying to fly under the radar you wanna "fit in" as much as possible.)
Whatever the reason, Quebec definitely has report rates that are just super, super high.
Montreal Trudeau is less busy that Vancouver and Toronto, yet they issue twice the number of departure orders that Toronto and Vancouver issue COMBINED.
However, in a surprising twist of irony, Departure order appeals to the IAD in Quebec have the highest rate of success in the country. (Around 50%, go figure.) Also, Quebec has the highest number of pending cases. (Around 9x that of the Western Region and 4x that of the Central Region.)
It could be that the significant time in takes to get a hearing date (some recent IAD cases relate to departure orders issued in 2013 or even 2012) results in the higher success rate as people have more time to reestablish themselves. I'm just guessing though.
Basically, for best chances at the airport, Toronto is probably your best bet. For best chances at IAD, god forbid you are reported, you may wanna consider brushing up on your
français and moving to Montreal.
Here are links to both statistics (Appeal Success rates and Departure Order report rate) if you want to have a read for yourself.