Yes we made the unforgivable mistake of applying under last year's existing CEC system, rather than waiting to apply under the perfect new EE system this year. Doesn't matter that EE didn't exist at the time we applied, it is still our fault and we deserve to be punished for it.
We CEC applicants are ugly, inferior, and undesirable people, and CIC wishes we would just go away and will take forever to process our applications just to show us how inferior we are.
On the other hand, EE applicants are beautiful, amazing, and perfect people, and CIC can't wait to process their applications and welcome them to Canada.
Of course I am joking and exaggerating for comic effect, but sometimes I can't help but feel this way. Especially whenever I hear about colleagues who applied almost a year later than me already getting their full PR under EE, while CIC has not even touched my CEC application for almost 15 months now.