You are welcome. I faced the same issue last month and this information confirmed both by WES and by DHL. Customer care from DHL informed me that WES is their old client and they gave instructions to deliver only on Mondays. So, do not worry, your envelope will be in WES office in Monday. However, be prepared that WES takes months now to "recieve" mails and change the statuses in the accounts. My documents were delivered to WES on Jun 8th but WES has not yet acnowledged the reception. According ti the notice on their website, they will process all mail delivered up to 30 JUN no earlier than by 22 JUL. So, when your reach WES next Monday, be ready to wait at least up to end AUG for the process to start. I hopr WES will increase their capacity tho and will deal with backlog quicker. Good luck!