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Wasn't asked for BSF186 during landing.


May 24, 2017
Hi Guys,

I just did a flagpole at peace bridge tonight. The officer asked me whether I am currently living in Canada and I said yes. The entire process took about 5 minutes. They didn't mention anything about BSF186 or asked anything about my goods or goods to follow at all, I totally forgot that too. (I think the other officer at the gate asked me something about 10k cash, fruits, meat things when I was in my car before I went into the building, I said NO to all of them. Maybe they were referring to BSF186 at that time? )

Now I realized I didn't sign the BSF186 form. Will that be a problem? I don't plan to bring anything from home country to Canada anyways. I have lived in Canada for 7 years now. I don't really own anything in my home country.

Maybe BSF186 doesn't apply to inland applicants who are already living in Canada?

Thanks in advance!