Well its been a while since this happened so the details my be a bit foggy.
The first details about myself that my be useful. I was born and raised in the US from parents who were also born and raised in the US i work 2 jobs but both are temporary or seasonal. the temporary job is in effect full time since i have been there so long now, The seasonal job is Wild land fire fighting. I don't own property and I'm not on the room mates lease. ( the land lord doesn’t care ) But i have been living in the same place for 3 years 6 months now. I have no criminal history other then a traffic ticket i got in 2007 ( that was taken care of in a timely manner )
Now about my relationship with my girlfriend. We met on a alternative life style forum of sorts back in last may and have been in contact every day with few exceptions ever since. Mostly talking on YIM but sometimes one VOIP service or another and a phone call every once in a while and lots of photos sent back and forth and 2 gift packages sent in the mail. Last January we decided i would visit her for 5 days getting there just before her 18th birthday. Since i had promised to see her if we were still talking by then. In hind sight i realize that may have not been the best idea.
Now of what i remember of trying to drive into Canada from the US. I remember everything was going fine right up till i was asked about my purpose of visit. And this is the train of questions from that point as best as i can remember.
I was asked if i "had seen met my girlfriend before"
I said "no this is are first visit"
i was then asked "how did you meet your girlfriend"
I said "over the internet"
i was then asked "what web page did you meet her on"
I then said "umm I'm a little uncomfortable saying"
At this point i got pulled into secondary which i was expecting anyway since all my friends that have made this trip have told me this is normal. But i wasn't expecting to be asked about fetish web pages while i was there.
Now at this point while there going threw my stuff. ( I had packed light so they could get this done with faster ) I was asked to go inside where they gave me a real slight going over and was asked further questions about my visit. Now at this point i don't recall the exact questions received or answers given.
I do remember being asked if i had a job
I do remember saying Yes ( and this trip was clear evidence of disposable income i would think )
I do remember being asked about any guns mace or things like that
I remember saying that "i left those at home"
Then he said "oh so you own some guns"
Then i said " yea well *shrug* " (I'm from the North West US so its very normal)
There were other questions too but they kept asking over and over if i had a job. It wasn't till i started reading around hear that i could get any insight why. But even then it doesn’t make any sense to me. It was as if they didn't believe i could have earned the money to buy a set of plane tickets, rent a car, make hotel reservations, and so on. ( it was almost as if they were holding my fire fighting career agents me) But the strange parts and the parts that I least understand are when they started wanting to dig into the nature of are relationship. All of this was out side my comfort zone for public so I asked if there was any ware privet we can talk and I would disclose everything you want to know. Thankfully they did grant that request. And at that point I did answer every question promptly and candidly. Once they were satisfied with the answers they got from me. They asked for her phone number so they could call her. Then they tell me she didn't answer. So I asked for them to give it a moment since she may be in a exam ( she told me before hand they were on that day ) after an hour I asked for them to call again. Then again 2 hours after that. At this point I gave them the address of the homeless shelter she was staying at ( that’s a long story all by its self ) so they could look up the phone number there and get hold of her that way. They then came back saying that place has no record of that person ever having stayed there. At this point I was like wow... These guys are not playing fair. And they told me at that point there sending me back to the states. And told me that my girlfriend was most likely telling me a fib about where she was living and her phone number
Now I knew the moment they said there was no record of her staying there they were not being honest with me. Since that was the address I had sent the 2 packages to before, and she sent back photos of the contents of the package each time. The next day when we got back in contact she also said she never got any phone calls that day. Also over the time she had been sending me photos of her I had acquired quite a few with the building she was staying in in the back ground, both front and back of the building. And I was able to cross check those photos with google earth and street view to see if they match. And they do.
At this point I'm at a loss over what to do. She is no longer staying there since a attempt to move out went wrong. She has recently tried to OD on pain killers and is currently in a hospital. (recovering thankfully) I want to try and fly her hear for a visit so we can meet in person and move forward with are relationship. And so I can generate the last piece of evidence of the relationship I need to get her a fiance visa. But shes so locked into just trying to survive day to day that helping her get a passport over YIM is proving impossible. Its not that she doesn’t want to its that to her even this simple task seems over whelming. And I know what shes going threw because I had exactly the same up bringing and had to overcome almost all of the same problems. We actually have so much common ground it's creepy.
Anyhow if your still fallowing me I want to try and see her again once she is out of the hospital and is back into a emergency shelter. So that I can show her that there is at least one person on this earth that cares about her, and so that I can help her get her passport so I can get started on the project of bringing her home with me. I know I'm facing a up hill battle at this point but I can't turn my mack on her now.
And I thought the hard part of all this was going to be bringing her into the US...
Sorry about the long babbling post I'm just kind of freaked out right now.
The first details about myself that my be useful. I was born and raised in the US from parents who were also born and raised in the US i work 2 jobs but both are temporary or seasonal. the temporary job is in effect full time since i have been there so long now, The seasonal job is Wild land fire fighting. I don't own property and I'm not on the room mates lease. ( the land lord doesn’t care ) But i have been living in the same place for 3 years 6 months now. I have no criminal history other then a traffic ticket i got in 2007 ( that was taken care of in a timely manner )
Now about my relationship with my girlfriend. We met on a alternative life style forum of sorts back in last may and have been in contact every day with few exceptions ever since. Mostly talking on YIM but sometimes one VOIP service or another and a phone call every once in a while and lots of photos sent back and forth and 2 gift packages sent in the mail. Last January we decided i would visit her for 5 days getting there just before her 18th birthday. Since i had promised to see her if we were still talking by then. In hind sight i realize that may have not been the best idea.
Now of what i remember of trying to drive into Canada from the US. I remember everything was going fine right up till i was asked about my purpose of visit. And this is the train of questions from that point as best as i can remember.
I was asked if i "had seen met my girlfriend before"
I said "no this is are first visit"
i was then asked "how did you meet your girlfriend"
I said "over the internet"
i was then asked "what web page did you meet her on"
I then said "umm I'm a little uncomfortable saying"
At this point i got pulled into secondary which i was expecting anyway since all my friends that have made this trip have told me this is normal. But i wasn't expecting to be asked about fetish web pages while i was there.
Now at this point while there going threw my stuff. ( I had packed light so they could get this done with faster ) I was asked to go inside where they gave me a real slight going over and was asked further questions about my visit. Now at this point i don't recall the exact questions received or answers given.
I do remember being asked if i had a job
I do remember saying Yes ( and this trip was clear evidence of disposable income i would think )
I do remember being asked about any guns mace or things like that
I remember saying that "i left those at home"
Then he said "oh so you own some guns"
Then i said " yea well *shrug* " (I'm from the North West US so its very normal)
There were other questions too but they kept asking over and over if i had a job. It wasn't till i started reading around hear that i could get any insight why. But even then it doesn’t make any sense to me. It was as if they didn't believe i could have earned the money to buy a set of plane tickets, rent a car, make hotel reservations, and so on. ( it was almost as if they were holding my fire fighting career agents me) But the strange parts and the parts that I least understand are when they started wanting to dig into the nature of are relationship. All of this was out side my comfort zone for public so I asked if there was any ware privet we can talk and I would disclose everything you want to know. Thankfully they did grant that request. And at that point I did answer every question promptly and candidly. Once they were satisfied with the answers they got from me. They asked for her phone number so they could call her. Then they tell me she didn't answer. So I asked for them to give it a moment since she may be in a exam ( she told me before hand they were on that day ) after an hour I asked for them to call again. Then again 2 hours after that. At this point I gave them the address of the homeless shelter she was staying at ( that’s a long story all by its self ) so they could look up the phone number there and get hold of her that way. They then came back saying that place has no record of that person ever having stayed there. At this point I was like wow... These guys are not playing fair. And they told me at that point there sending me back to the states. And told me that my girlfriend was most likely telling me a fib about where she was living and her phone number
Now I knew the moment they said there was no record of her staying there they were not being honest with me. Since that was the address I had sent the 2 packages to before, and she sent back photos of the contents of the package each time. The next day when we got back in contact she also said she never got any phone calls that day. Also over the time she had been sending me photos of her I had acquired quite a few with the building she was staying in in the back ground, both front and back of the building. And I was able to cross check those photos with google earth and street view to see if they match. And they do.
At this point I'm at a loss over what to do. She is no longer staying there since a attempt to move out went wrong. She has recently tried to OD on pain killers and is currently in a hospital. (recovering thankfully) I want to try and fly her hear for a visit so we can meet in person and move forward with are relationship. And so I can generate the last piece of evidence of the relationship I need to get her a fiance visa. But shes so locked into just trying to survive day to day that helping her get a passport over YIM is proving impossible. Its not that she doesn’t want to its that to her even this simple task seems over whelming. And I know what shes going threw because I had exactly the same up bringing and had to overcome almost all of the same problems. We actually have so much common ground it's creepy.
Anyhow if your still fallowing me I want to try and see her again once she is out of the hospital and is back into a emergency shelter. So that I can show her that there is at least one person on this earth that cares about her, and so that I can help her get her passport so I can get started on the project of bringing her home with me. I know I'm facing a up hill battle at this point but I can't turn my mack on her now.
And I thought the hard part of all this was going to be bringing her into the US...
Sorry about the long babbling post I'm just kind of freaked out right now.