Hi, I am not sure if your husband speaks Polish or not, but he will have to fill out this form: http://www.gdansk.so.gov.pl/attachments/047_form_krk_osoba.pdf, and pay the fee (50-100zl), stating the last place of habitation in Poland. The form needs to be submitted to an embassy, or bureaucracy where information can be received regarding criminal records, or a court. "W Biurze Informacyjnym Krajowego Rejestru Karnego,
w Punktach Informacyjnych Krajowego Rejestru Karnego przy sądach powszechnych na terenie kraju." I do not know of how the fees can be paid online, I think that it would hav to be in person, or maybe by mail with cash?
I hope that I helped you a little. I do not know exactly where my husband got his from, I think from a courthouse though.