My husband and I applied June 20th, 2011 for him to receive PR here in Canada. I was approved as a sponsor August 18th, 2011 and then the application was sent off to the Canadian Visa offices Delhi, in order for my husband to be approved. The CIC states about 80% of the applications are processed within 6 months, but I'm not sure from when they start this date. As the timeline goes...The 6 months should start consecutively from when I was accepted; however when I check the CIC website for updates, it states that our (original) application was accepted June 20th; I, as a sponsor, was accepted Aug 18th; and they started processing my husband's application in Delhi October 18th. Since October 18th It has only said 'in Process'. So this '6 months' -if it is suppose to be consecutive from my date- should I be saying 6 months from August 18th or would it only be from when they STARTED processing in Delhi- therefore 6 months from October 18th?? I am just wondering b/c I know you cannot send any inquiries within this '6 month' period they state. This is such a long waitng game!!!