DAC said:
Since my parents already have a multiple-entry TRV, my brother (single) wants to apply for TRV to attend his cousin's wedding. My brother has two refusals from study permit; both before mid 2014. Here are the major things he's planning to include this time:
• Personal bank statement
• Air itinerary for 8-10 days
• Invitation card and letter written by cousin
• Job and leave letter
• Enrollment in Masters back home
Note that he didn't have job and enrollment in Masters when he applied for his previous study permit applications. Here are some questions in mind,
1. Who should accompany my brother in application (mother, father or both)? so that it makes more sense that he'll ‘return back to his home country'.
2. Since he previously failed to prove his ‘purpose of visit', now what additional documents he should include to show that he's only coming to attend the wedding ceremony?
I would appreciate your suggestions and help. Thanks in advance.
First off, your brother must state both refusals when he reapplies.
1. Since how long has your brother been working?
2. Is he studying for his Masters simultaneously?
3. If he is working, is the probation period over ie is he a confirmed employee?
As your parents already have TRVs, they cannot reapply/apply for new TRVs.... so your brother must apply alone.
What your brother can do is to mention in the Cover Letter that your mom or dad will be accompanying him for the wedding.... and he can provide some evidence to support this (air ticket bookings for himself and your mom/dad).
However, as both your parents have TRVs, your brother's individual ties to India must be strong to show that he will not overstay. His employment + Masters are good ties.
For Purpose of Itinerary:
I would suggest that he prepares a day-by-day detailed Itinerary listing places he intends to visit/activities he will do, etc.... along with expense estimates.... and provide proofs that he has the finances to carry out this visit + airfare + other incidentals.
In the itinerary, he must also show that he is visiting to attend the wedding.... and provide proofs for this (Invitation Letter from your cousin stating this + wedding invitation card + any other similar documents + proofs to show he is related to your cousin)
For how long does he plan to visit?