I need good answer to my some question on TRV. I got refusal from officer. sharing the reasons:
In accordance with Section A11(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), any person wishing to become a temporary resident of Canada must satisfy an officer that he or she is not inadmissible to Canada and meets the requirements of the Act. This includes the requirement to establish to the satisfaction of the officer that the applicant will respect their conditions of admission and will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for his or her stay.
In reaching a decision, an officer considers several factors; these may include the applicant’s travel and identity documents, reason for travel to Canada, contacts in Canada, financial means for the trip; ties to country of residence (including immigration status, employment and family ties) and whether the applicant would be likely to leave Canada at the end of his/her authorized stay.
Following an examination of your application, I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of the Act and the Regulations for the reasons explained below. I am therefore refusing your application.
Grounds for refusal:
· Given economic conditions, employment prospects, considering your travel history, economic establishment and family ties, I am not satisfied that you would respect the terms of your admission as a temporary resident in Canada.
Now I would like to apply again for TRV alone.
1) How to write a cover letter if refusal in TRV from Canada?
2) I am a Rice Miller started in 2019, It is a seasonal industry. I will be free after March-Aprill. Next season will start in Sep-Oct. I am free in the time fram April- Sep. My parents are the owner of this business, I am managing this business. I am the only son of my parents and living in joint family. I am married to a govt teacher. and we live with our two girl children under one roof. We also have agriculture land with ownership of my parents, But I used this land for agriculture purposes. My Income tax returns and Bank accounts also show the agriculture income from my parents land. How can I show this business and property as my own. I am not doing any other work.
3) I have sufficient funds/ transaction in the bank account to the milling industry from my account approx 10 lacs. how can i manage these investment.
4) I had travelled to singapore, Malasiya, and Thailand already after refusal in Feb'19.
Please help me how to apply for TRV again with explanation to refusal points.
I need good answer to my some question on TRV. I got refusal from officer. sharing the reasons:
In accordance with Section A11(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), any person wishing to become a temporary resident of Canada must satisfy an officer that he or she is not inadmissible to Canada and meets the requirements of the Act. This includes the requirement to establish to the satisfaction of the officer that the applicant will respect their conditions of admission and will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for his or her stay.
In reaching a decision, an officer considers several factors; these may include the applicant’s travel and identity documents, reason for travel to Canada, contacts in Canada, financial means for the trip; ties to country of residence (including immigration status, employment and family ties) and whether the applicant would be likely to leave Canada at the end of his/her authorized stay.
Following an examination of your application, I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of the Act and the Regulations for the reasons explained below. I am therefore refusing your application.
Grounds for refusal:
· Given economic conditions, employment prospects, considering your travel history, economic establishment and family ties, I am not satisfied that you would respect the terms of your admission as a temporary resident in Canada.
Now I would like to apply again for TRV alone.
1) How to write a cover letter if refusal in TRV from Canada?
2) I am a Rice Miller started in 2019, It is a seasonal industry. I will be free after March-Aprill. Next season will start in Sep-Oct. I am free in the time fram April- Sep. My parents are the owner of this business, I am managing this business. I am the only son of my parents and living in joint family. I am married to a govt teacher. and we live with our two girl children under one roof. We also have agriculture land with ownership of my parents, But I used this land for agriculture purposes. My Income tax returns and Bank accounts also show the agriculture income from my parents land. How can I show this business and property as my own. I am not doing any other work.
3) I have sufficient funds/ transaction in the bank account to the milling industry from my account approx 10 lacs. how can i manage these investment.
4) I had travelled to singapore, Malasiya, and Thailand already after refusal in Feb'19.
Please help me how to apply for TRV again with explanation to refusal points.