I want to sponsor my mum during the delivery of my child. What financial documents do I need to present as she will not be able to show any bank balance on her name. I appreciate in advance for your help. Many thanks.
I want to sponsor my mum during the delivery of my child. What financial documents do I need to present as she will not be able to show any bank balance on her name. I appreciate in advance for your help. Many thanks.
There is nothing like to sponsor someone for a visit visa. A visit visa is subject to the circumstances/situation of the applicant (your mom). Too much documents from your side ( the person who the applicant is visiting) may establish a fact that the applicant has more ties to canada as compare to her home country. From your side a simple invitation letter that she will be staying with you having all the support she needs during her stay in Canada (food and place to stay). Your mom can submit the following documents to support her application:-
Her husband or son's bank statement with whom she is currently living.
Any property doc if she or her husband owns or gets income from.
My uncle is in canada and is a citizen of Canada... What are the doucments he need to provide for my application/visit to him? and what all i and my wife need to provide to support our application/visit?
My uncle is in canada and is a citizen of Canada... What are the doucments he need to provide for my application/visit to him? and what all i and my wife need to provide to support our application/visit?