I have been for 2 years making sure I have all the information I needed for a VISA to Canada. I applied in Aug. and in Sept. I got a no based on the the person who I am going to see, I do not have any pics with her (us together). How can I have pics together if they will not allow me to travel to see her?? I am in Nigeria and I have documentation of our relationship (IE> phone calls, emails, pics of her and her family as well she has the same from me). I just want to go visit and see if her and I can make a go of a "REAL" relationship not just on computer. I have looked into other ways (work visa, student visa). These are not options I can not make happen. Please give me some advice on how to obtain a visitors visa to go see a friend in Canada (with spousal potential). Getting very discouraged and so is she!! HELP PLEASE! :-\