to prove strong ties to return home, is aged parents with no work can be considered? I am employed with sufficient savings however the properties under my name is a car and a Jeepney's deed of sale. I do not have a business and will travel to canada to visit my brother on Christmas. is a flight schedule shortly after the canada visit trip can be considered too? My sister who's coming with me to visit our brother in canada will declare our parents too as dependent since our parents are being covered by here company's health insurance, I just provide the daily needs and she covers for the medical expenses as our mother is diabetic. My sister has a car lease, a registered business, has one travel history in asia and is also employed. we are both single. reading in your forum made me uneasy as I am the one who's having a little document to provide. Appreciate your insight 
PS: is the application needs to be submitted altogether for the two of us or we should apply separately and needs the letter of invitation separately too? Thanks heaps.
PS: is the application needs to be submitted altogether for the two of us or we should apply separately and needs the letter of invitation separately too? Thanks heaps.