In which field you have done your graduation and the reason of refusalIelts overall 7 band
63% in graduation
72% in 12th
76% in 10th
Got letter of acceptance from college in canada
Gic submitted
Applied under spp category visa got refused
Can u re apply under same category and if not what are other possibilites
Which course you have taken in that UniversityIelts overall 7 band
63% in graduation
72% in 12th
76% in 10th
Got letter of acceptance from college in canada
Gic submitted
Applied under spp category visa got refused
Can u re apply under same category and if not what are other possibilites
When you have applied ad through which vfs ??Ielts overall 7 band
63% in graduation
72% in 12th
76% in 10th
Got letter of acceptance from college in canada
Gic submitted
Applied under spp category visa got refused
Can u re apply under same category and if not what are other possibilites
Applied on 14th june 2017 through vfs new delhiWhen you have applied ad through which vfs ??